6 Use vcr
In this chapter we aim at adding HTTP testing infrastructure to exemplighratia using vcr.
Corresponding pull request to exemplighratia. Feel free to fork the repository to experiment yourself!
6.1 Setup
Before working on all this, we need to install vcr.
First, we need to run vcr::use_vcr()
(in the exemplighratia directory) which has a few effects:
- Adding vcr as a dependency to
, under Suggests just like testthat. - Creating an example test file for us to look at. This is useful the first few times you setup vcr in another package, after a while you might even delete it without reading it.
- Adding a
file with the linetests/fixtures/**/* -diff
which will hide the changes in your cassettes from the git diff. It makes your git diff easier to deal with.2 - Creating a setup file under
dir = "../fixtures"
When testthat runs tests, files whose name starts with “setup” are always run first. The setup file created by vcr
- loads vcr,
- indicates where mocked responses are saved (
which translates, from the root of the package, totests/fixtures
), - and checks that you are not using the same name twice for cassettes (mock files).
We had to tweak vcr setup a bit for our needs.
We do not want our API token to appear in the mock responses so we use the
argument ofvcr::vcr_configure()
.We need to ensure that we set up a fake API key when there is no API token around. Why? Because if you remember well, the code of our function
checks for the presence of a token. With mock responses around, we obviously don’t really need a token but we still need to fool our own package in contexts where there is no token (e.g. in continuous integration checks for a fork of a GitHub repository).
Below is the updated setup file saved under tests/testthat/setup-exemplighratia
vcr_dir <- "../fixtures"
if (!nzchar(Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT"))) {
if (dir.exists(vcr_dir)) {
Sys.setenv("GITHUB_PAT" = "foobar")
} else {
stop("No API key nor cassettes, tests cannot be run.",
call. = FALSE)
dir = vcr_dir,
filter_sensitive_data = list("<<github_api_token>>" = Sys.getenv('GITHUB_PAT'))
So this was just setup, now on to adapting our tests!
6.2 Actual testing
The most important function will be vcr::use_cassette("cassette-informative-and-unique-name", {code-block})
which tells vcr to create a mock file to store all API responses for API calls occurring in the code block.
Let’s tweak the test for gh_api_status
, it now becomes
test_that("gh_api_status() works", {
vcr::use_cassette("gh_api_status", {
status <- gh_api_status()
testthat::expect_type(status, "character")
We only had to wrap the code involving interactions with the API, status <- gh_api_status()
, in vcr::use_cassette()
If we run this test (in RStudio clicking on “Run test”),
- the first time, vcr creates a cassette (mock file) under
where it stores the API response. It contains all the information related to requests and responses, headers included.
- request:
method: get
uri: https://kctbh9vrtdwd.statuspage.io/api/v2/components.json
encoding: ''
string: ''
Accept: application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*
status_code: 200
category: Success
reason: OK
message: 'Success: (200) OK'
vary: Accept,Accept-Encoding,Fastly-SSL
cache-control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
x-cache: MISS
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
content-encoding: gzip
strict-transport-security: max-age=259200
date: Thu, 15 Oct 2020 11:59:23 GMT
x-request-id: d9888435-3f04-4401-be5c-b9d1bfdfa015
x-download-options: noopen
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
x-runtime: '0.037254'
x-permitted-cross-domain-policies: none
access-control-allow-origin: '*'
accept-ranges: bytes
x-content-type-options: nosniff
etag: W/"gz[a479c9894f51b7db286dc31cd922e7bf]"
x-statuspage-skip-logging: 'true'
x-statuspage-version: fd137a4bb14c20ce721393e5b6540ea6eebff3a3
referrer-policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
age: '0'
encoding: UTF-8
file: no
string: '{"page":{"id":"kctbh9vrtdwd","name":"GitHub","url":"https://www.githubstatus.com","time_zone":"Etc/UTC","updated_at":"2020-10-15T08:57:35.302Z"},"components":[{"id":"8l4ygp009s5s","name":"Git
of git clones, pulls, pushes, and associated operations","showcase":false,"start_date":null,"group_id":null,"page_id":"kctbh9vrtdwd","group":false,"only_show_if_degraded":false},{"id":"brv1bkgrwx7q","name":"API
for GitHub APIs","showcase":false,"start_date":null,"group_id":null,"page_id":"kctbh9vrtdwd","group":false,"only_show_if_degraded":false},{"id":"4230lsnqdsld","name":"Webhooks","status":"operational","created_at":"2019-11-13T18:00:24.256Z","updated_at":"2020-10-13T14:51:17.928Z","position":3,"description":"Real
time HTTP callbacks of user-generated and system events","showcase":false,"start_date":null,"group_id":null,"page_id":"kctbh9vrtdwd","group":false,"only_show_if_degraded":false},{"id":"0l2p9nhqnxpd","name":"Visit
www.githubstatus.com for more information","status":"operational","created_at":"2018-12-05T19:39:40.838Z","updated_at":"2020-04-02T21:56:21.954Z","position":4,"description":null,"showcase":false,"start_date":null,"group_id":null,"page_id":"kctbh9vrtdwd","group":false,"only_show_if_degraded":false},{"id":"kr09ddfgbfsf","name":"Issues","status":"operational","created_at":"2017-01-31T20:01:46.638Z","updated_at":"2020-10-10T00:02:16.199Z","position":5,"description":"Requests
for Issues on GitHub.com","showcase":false,"start_date":null,"group_id":null,"page_id":"kctbh9vrtdwd","group":false,"only_show_if_degraded":false},{"id":"hhtssxt0f5v2","name":"Pull
for Pull Requests on GitHub.com","showcase":false,"start_date":null,"group_id":null,"page_id":"kctbh9vrtdwd","group":false,"only_show_if_degraded":false},{"id":"br0l2tvcx85d","name":"GitHub
Compute and Orchestration for GitHub Actions","showcase":false,"start_date":null,"group_id":null,"page_id":"kctbh9vrtdwd","group":false,"only_show_if_degraded":false},{"id":"st3j38cctv9l","name":"GitHub
requests and webhook delivery for GitHub Packages","showcase":false,"start_date":null,"group_id":null,"page_id":"kctbh9vrtdwd","group":false,"only_show_if_degraded":false},{"id":"vg70hn9s2tyj","name":"GitHub
application and API servers for Pages builds","showcase":false,"start_date":null,"group_id":null,"page_id":"kctbh9vrtdwd","group":false,"only_show_if_degraded":false}]}'
recorded_at: 2020-10-15 11:59:23 GMT
recorded_with: vcr/0.5.4, webmockr/0.7.0
- all the times after that, unless we delete the mock file, vcr simply uses the mock files instead of actually calling the API.
Let’s tweak our other test, of gh_organizations()
Here things get more exciting or complicated, as we also set out to adding a test of the error behavior.
This inspired us to change error behavior a bit with a slightly more specific error message i.e. httr::stop_for_status(response)
became httr::stop_for_status(response, task = "get data from the API, oops")
The test file tests/testthat/test-organizations.R
is now:
test_that("gh_organizations works", {
vcr::use_cassette("gh_organizations", {
orgs <- gh_organizations()
testthat::expect_type(orgs, "character")
test_that("gh_organizations errors when the API doesn't behave", {
stub <- webmockr::stub_request("get", "https://api.github.com/organizations?since=1")
webmockr::to_return(stub, status = 502)
expect_error(gh_organizations(), "oops")
The first test is similar to what we did for gh_api_status()
In the second test there is more to unpack.
- We enable the use of webmockr at the beginning with
. Why webmockr? Because it’s the package powering request stubbing in vcr so vcr and webmockr go well together. - We explicitly write that a request to
should return a status of 502.
stub <- webmockr::stub_request("get", "https://api.github.com/organizations?since=1")
webmockr::to_return(stub, status = 502)
- We then test for the error message with
expect_error(gh_organizations(), "oops")
. - We disable webmockr with
Without the HTTP testing infrastructure, testing for behavior of the package in case of API errors would be more difficult.
Regarding our secret API token, the first time we run the test file, vcr creates a cassette where we notice these lines
- request:
method: get
uri: https://api.github.com/organizations?since=1
encoding: ''
string: ''
Accept: application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*
Content-Type: ''
Authorization: token <<github_api_token>>
Our API token has been replaced with the string we indicated in vcr::vcr_configure()
, <<github_api_token>>
6.3 Also testing for real interactions
What if the API responses change? Hopefully we’d notice that thanks to following API news. However, sometimes web APIs change without any notice. Therefore it is important to run tests against the real web service once in a while.
The vcr package provides various methods to turn vcr use on and off to allow real requests i.e. ignoring mock files.
See ?vcr::lightswitch
In the case of exemplighratia, we added a GitHub Actions workflow that will run on schedule once a week, for which one of the build has vcr turned off via the VCR_TURN_OFF
environment variable.
We chose to have one build with vcr turned on and otherwise the same configuration to make it easier to assess what broke in case of failure (if both builds fail, the web API is probably not the culprit).
Compared to continuous integration builds where vcr is turned on, this one build needs to have access to a GITHUB_PAT
secret environment variable. Furthermore, it is slower.
One could imagine other strategies:
- Always having one continuous integration build with vcr turned off but skipping it in contexts where there isn’t any token (pull requests from forks for instance?);
- Only running tests with vcr turned off locally once in a while.
6.4 Summary
- We set up vcr usage in our package exemplighratia by running
and tweaking the setup file to protect our secret API key and to fool our own package that needs an API token. - Inside
blocks, we wrapped parts of the code intovcr::use_cassette()
and ran the tests a first time to generate mock files that hold all information about the API interactions. - In one of the tests, we used webmockr to create an environment where only fake requests are allowed. We defined that the request that
makes should get a 502 status. We were therefore able to test for the error messagegh_organizations()
returns in such cases.
Now, how do we make sure this works?
- Turn off wifi, run the tests again. It works! Turn on wifi again.
- Open .Renviron (
), edit “GITHUB_PAT” into “byeGITHUB_PAT,” re-start R, run the tests again. It works! Fix your “GITHUB_PAT” token in .Renviron.
So we now have tests that no longer rely on an internet connection nor on having API credentials.
We also added a continuous integration workflow for having a build using real interactions once every week, as it is important to regularly make sure the package still works against the latest API responses.
For the full list of changes applied to exemplighratia in this chapter, see the pull request diff on GitHub.
How do we get there with other packages? Let’s try httptest in the next chapter!
6.5 PS: Where to put use_cassette()
Where do we put the vcr::use_cassette()
Well, as written in the manual page of that function, There’s a few ways to get correct line numbers for failed tests and one way to not get correct line numbers:
What’s correct?
- Wrapping the whole
vcr::use_cassette("thing", {
testthat::test_that("thing", {
lala <- get_foo()
- Wrapping a few lines inside
excluding the expectactionsexpect_blabla()
testthat::test_that("thing", {
vcr::use_cassette("thing", {
lala <- get_foo()
What’s incorrect?
testthat::test_that("thing", {
vcr::use_cassette("thing", {
lala <- get_foo()
We used the solution of only wrapping the lines containing API calls in vcr::use_cassette()
because that’s what vcr maintainer prefers.